Success Story
AMVETS Post 70
Port Royal, SC
AMVETS Post 70 has slashed their electric bill by roughly $1,600 per year. By year 10, they'll have recouped over $15,000 in money otherwise spent on energy usage thanks to NRM's solution.
When NRM is able to help a business or organization that dedicates itself to helping others, it’s a reminder that it’s about more than just #energyefficiency upgrades and energy savings on their utility bills. For some of our clients, such as food banks, people rely on them having fresh food for their survival.
The same can be said for AMVETS Post 70 in Port Royal, SC. American Veterans (AMVETS) is the “most inclusive Congressionally-charted veterans service organization” in the country. It provides assistance, services, and jobs to veterans and their communities.
“We were constantly losing product,” Tammy Tully of Post 70 said. It was a situation she saw time and again: an issue would occur, with no warning, and food would spoil. They were needing an excessive amount of emergency calls for repairs, and it was simply a persistent headache.
But NRM approached them with a solution that would give them the peace of mind they needed.
Now, they get alerted when the temperatures in their walk-ins change, and they can immediately take action before their perishables are jeopardized. Having their temperatures logged automatically has also been a big help, as it lets them track performance for food safety and for energy usage.
They also got the equipment optimization upgrades, which came with a 70%+ incentive from their utility provider. NRM was able to reduce their annual kWh consumption by about 16,000 and annual electric costs by $1,600.
Veterans Hall
Port Royal, SC
Implemented Measures
- CoolTrol refrigeration controls
- EC Motor Upgrades
- On-site Temperature alerts
Utility Incentive
70% of Project Cost
Simple Payback
1 Year
Annual Energy Savings
16,000 kWh
Annual Dollar Savings
"Any business that has a walk-in with product in it would be crazy not to have this invaluable equipment installed. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times it has saved our food. It’s honestly an awesome system. AMVETS Post 70 approves this product and gives it 5 stars!"
— Tammy Tully, Owner