Success Story
Rt. 6 Beer & Wine
Dartmouth, MA
Rt. 6 Beer & Wine has slashed their electric bill by roughly $3,600 per year. By year 5, they'll have recouped over $17,000 in profits thanks to NRM's solution.
Like many companies who are proud of the technology they developed, we at NRM love sharing and educating people on all of the terrific benefits they get from our solutions. But for many of our customers, like Sam Patel and Rt. 6 Beer and Wine in Dartmouth, MA, it’s ultimately the simplicity and ease-of-use that are there favorite benefits.
The CoolTrol smart refrigeration controls installed for his walk-in provide Mr. Patel unmatched oversight over the system’s operation. Via an LED display screen on the controller, he can quickly access temperature settings, consult any alarms, and track the system’s runtimes.
Better still, if Mr. Patel or his employees need to conduct any work in the cooler, such as stocking a recent delivery or taking inventory, there’s a safe system shutdown feature that allows the refrigeration to be turned off for 20 minutes. This helps both protect his equipment and his stored product.
Of course, this doesn’t mean Mr. Patel doesn’t find the energy savings from the efficiency optimizations to be a big boon, as well. His particular refrigeration system provided a substantial opportunity for improvement… to the tune of 21,000 kWh in wasted energy. This translates into roughly $3,600 back in his pocket every year.
NRM was also able to secure a 60% incentive toward the cost of the project on Mr. Patel’s behalf from his utility provider, which, combined with the energy savings, meant that within 8 months the solution had paid for itself and was no cash-flow positive moving forward.
All of this combined made it a no-brainer for Mr. Patel to sign his second store up for the utility program just last week!
Liquor Store
Dartmouth, MA
Implemented Measures
- CoolTrol refrigeration controls
- EC Motor Upgrades
- Anti-Sweat Door Heater controls
Utility Incentive
60% of Project Cost
Simple Payback
8 months
Annual Energy Savings
21,000 kWh
Annual Dollar Savings
“I really like the functionality of the controls, and the energy savings are obviously great. I liked getting the controls installed at my first store so much, in fact, I recently signed up to have my second store done as well!”
— Mr. Patel, Owner